A kitchen with an oven and cabinets in it

Get Your Home Holiday-Ready With These Top 5 Home Improvement Projects For Fall 2022

Fall is a favorite season for many people, with the beautiful Arizona landscapes, the pumpkin spice lattes and cozy, moderate temperatures. It’s also a great time for home improvement projects to help you prepare for the Christmas holidays. Our top 5 home improvement projects are a sure bet to get you inspired for Fall. You will find a cleaner, neater, more welcoming home this season.

A person using a pair of hand saws on wood.

A Fresh Coat Of Paint

Fall is the perfect time to repaint your house exterior because the air is less humid but not yet as cold as the winter months. This will not only add value to your home, but it will brighten up the neighborhood and give you something bright and beautiful to come home to. Have fun browsing through the vast expanse of colors and shades suitable for the season. Don’t be afraid to add a splash of color to your front door for a touch of creativity.

A person using a pair of hand saws on wood.

Window Replacement & Insulation

Windows can wither down over time or swell from rain and moisture in the air. This will affect the insulation in your home, and you may start to feel a draft if there are cracks and gaps in your window frames. Fall is the ideal time to replace or repair your windows. Also, check the insulation before cold temperatures and possibly even snow sets in.

A person using a pair of hand saws on wood.

Clean Your Gutters

This is something most people ignore until it’s too late. Why wait for a storm when you can clean your gutters in the fall to maintain healthy rain flow and prevent long-term, costly damage? Take advantage of the calm weather conditions during these months to get your gutters professionally cleaned. Give yourself peace of mind well into next year.

A person using a pair of hand saws on wood.

Renovate Your Basement

During the next few months, you’ll be spending a lot more time indoors as the temperatures drop. The basement can be an ideal space for the family to relax during the holidays. Now is the perfect time to renovate your basement into a proper entertainment room with all the creature comforts your family need. By starting now, you can have it completed and ready for use before Christmas.

A person using a pair of hand saws on wood.

Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling

Our final home improvement tip for this fall is to remodel your bathroom and kitchen since you’ll indulge in more steamy baths and spend more time in the kitchen brewing hot coffee and cooking comforting meals. A simple replacement of cabinets can give any kitchen or bathroom a much-needed facelift. You could also replace your kitchen countertops for stylish, durable surfaces to work on during those family dinners.

B&M Remodeling can help you with any of these home improvement projects this fall. We do our best to suit your style and budget, no matter how big or small your requirements might be. Contact us today to get started.

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